Wednesday, February 1, 2012

This week's project...

Since moving to NYC means smaller living spaces and shipped boxes of stuff, I didn't move up here with any kind of furniture. Which means I didn't have anywhere to put my clothes except my tiny closet and the box they were shipped in! So finally I ordered a dresser from good ol' Wally World and had it shipped to my address for me to assemble since I have no car to go pick up any actual furniture!

Here's how it all went down...

First you have to smile at the camera!

Then you gotta open the box and see what ya got!

Next, start reading those instructions and feeling good about your ability to follow them!

After about an hour and a half, you've gotten pretty far but are starting to get hungry and wanting some $2 beers from your local pub!

So with your roommate's help, you nail the back on, put the drawers together and call it a night!

And the next day, Ta Da!! You have a completed dresser, that is unfortunately, not big enough to hold all your clothes, so you have to go to the Bargain store and get an annex to your dresser in the form of those plastic drawers. But at least I didn't have to assemble those!

Next on the agenda into making my NY apartment feel like home: getting a TV and DVD player for my room to go on top of my new dresser! But again, everything goes back to- how am I going to get it here without a car? 


  1. How DO people function without a car there? I would be at a loss...though I can't drive in that city, hummm...

    Anyway, COMPLETELY with you on pausing in the middle of dresser putting togetherness for beer. The fact that they are $2 is FUCKING AMAZING!!!

    1. It's definitely an adjustment when you've had a car your entire life! Your body aches in ways you never knew it could and you have to get used to rolling things around in a cart like all the little old ladies!

      $2 beers on my corner is the best!
