Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The many stylings of Kitty Witty!

 While my friend was away for a couple weeks, we had the great pleasure of cat sitting for her crazy cat, whom we affectionately call "Kitty Witty," "Cat," "Professor Cuteness," and the list goes on. It's impossible not to take a million pictures of cats as they're just living their lives, doing what they do. For your sake, I limited my photo gallery to just a few shots :-)

Apparently, my one leg is the place to be!

I can't blame her for this one, I love those blankets!

Whatever makes you happy!

It's homeless kitty!


"Singing in the rain! Just singing in the rain!"

This one is my favorite!

If she ever comes back to visit, I'm sure there will be Part 2 of Kitty Witty cuteness!

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