Thursday, October 6, 2016

It's been a while, but I'm back!

Hello blogger world!

It's been several years since I've posted and I've decided to start this up again. A lot has happened in the three years since my last post. For 14 months I was in an incredible, life changing relationship and now I'm not. There will be plenty of posts about that, I'm sure. I'm still living in NYC pursuing the artistic world in its various facets. I've started writing for my friend's magazine "Read Me," where I'm writing a series on finding happiness and joy. (This break up really did a number on me. I've found myself in the most depressed state of my life this past year, so I'm seeking happiness all over again.)

I'm in therapy now. I'm trying to figure out what it is exactly that I want to do and be and have. I'm not as happy-go-lucky as I used to be and I want to get that back. Re-reading my older posts really hit hard the difference between the person who I once was and the person who I have been for the past ten months. There are definitely big things that have changed, that have become truer than that girl who made some of those posts, but I also miss the care free, happy girl who enjoyed making her Top Ten lists.

I'm on a journey. A journey to healing. A journey to happiness. A journey to acceptance. And everyone keeps telling me it's not about the destination- it's about the journey. So if you care to take this trip with me, I welcome your support, your comments, or just your silent presence on my blog site.

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